Rules for competitors:
If you don’t already have a Twitter account, please go to Twitter to set one up.
Tweet your business idea (115 characters max – assuming your username is not more than 10 characters – with #ACEbizIdea at the end) by 5:00 pm EST on 1/13/2010, and you’ll be entered in the contest.
We will RT (retweet) your plan as it comes in. (Or as humanly close as we can get to that time, during business hours.)
Others will vote for your plan by RT’ing or by marking it as a favorite. Voting will close at 5pm on 1/15/2010, so the sooner you get your plan in, the more chances you’ll have to be seen.
Rules for competitors:
Follow @ACEevent on Twitter.
Vote on business plans as they’re Tweeted, either by:
Marking them as a favorite, or RT’ing them
Only one vote per account for each business idea will be counted. You are welcome to vote for multiple business plans; but you can only cast one vote per plan!
Voting must be complete by 5pm on 1/15/2010.
Prizes and recognition:
The business ideas of the top five voter getters will be displayed at ACE.
The winner will be recognized during the program - and their idea will be shared with the audience.
The winner will receive a prize of $140 (which is even more money, on a per character basis, than Charles Dickens was paid!)
The Annual Collaboration for Entrepreneurship is the place where Great Lakes region entrepreneurs gather to network, learn, and connect. Each year at ACE, you'll join an exciting, forward-thinking community of innovators, entrepreneurs, and business leaders - people like you who have the vision and drive to build new ventures for a new future.
For more information please visit: http://ace-event.org/acebizidea.aspx
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