2011 is the fourth year WXW is offering this annual women business leaders conference. The morning session will offer intensive and interactive workshops facilitated by well known local business leaders, who are prepared for your business questions. Key Note speaker Debra Fine, author of The Fine Art of the Big Talk How to Win Clients, Deliver Great Presentations, and Solve Conflicts at Work, will share her insight on how networking and communication builds business. After lunch attendees will have the opportunity to choose from one of six different mini-panel sessions that cover topics such as sales, business growth, life balance, board membership, and more. Then end of the day wraps up with a happy hour that includes wine, food, music, and one of the best networking opportunities in the state.
Over 300 attendees from Southeast Michigan and Northeast Ohio are expected to attend this empowering event. The MI-SBTDC is a proud sponsor of this one of a kind event which encourages women to continue building their success as a business leader.
To register please visit: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/1429753431
For more information on WXW: http://wxwbusiness.com/