At the MI-SBTDC we like to focus our attention on the successes of our clients. In this post we are shifting our perspective and sharing with you our accomplishments in assisting small businesses for 2008.
5,503 businesses were counseled.
6,789 clients attended training
12,382 businesses/clients were reaches by SBTDC
21,901 employed by the businesses counseled
42% of businesses were Female owned
9% of businesses were Veteran owned
22% of businesses ere Minority owned (excluding females)
58% of businesses counseled were existing.
42% of businesses were startups.
360 businesses counseled were started
3,379 new jobs were created
$289,963,167 capital raised (traditional & technology companies)
5,503 businesses were counseled.
6,789 clients attended training
12,382 businesses/clients were reaches by SBTDC
21,901 employed by the businesses counseled
42% of businesses were Female owned
9% of businesses were Veteran owned
22% of businesses ere Minority owned (excluding females)
58% of businesses counseled were existing.
42% of businesses were startups.
360 businesses counseled were started
3,379 new jobs were created
$289,963,167 capital raised (traditional & technology companies)

Total number of high-tech clients served: 358
Total number of client hours of assistance: 6825
Total number of new technology jobs created: 282
Total capital raised (including SBIR): $54,433,706
SBIR Phase I and II capital raised: $9,974,352

The SBTDC and the Kaufmann Foundation have launched a statewide program to help dislocated workers start small businesses? The Fast Trac*New Venture* program aims to help dislocated workers evaluate business opportunities and develop and action plan for owning their own small business.
The SBTDC, as a managing partner of Michigan Celebrates Small Business event, has vetted its 50 Companies to Watch and 11 SBA Recognitions. The event is aligned to be another success. Twenty-seven of the 50 companies to watch are SBTDC clients, an outstanding fact in year 5 of this event.
The goal of the MI-SBTDC is to continue to make a difference by strengthening companies, creating new jobs, and assisting companies like yours in defining their path to success.